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15 Results for “disc golf”



The Cottonwood Trail

By Brad Wright, produced in cooperation with the HubCity Writers Project. The heat radiates off the dark asphalt as I make my way down Andrews Farm Road. I feel like I’m running inside a convection oven. My pace has slowed considerably since my youthful days on the Spartan High Cross Country team, and I am already sweating profusely to compensate. Treading carefully down the edge of Woodburn Road, I make the turn

Spooky Spots in Spartanburg

Halloween is right around the corner, and if you're anything like us, you're probably dying to pack in as many thrills and chills as you can. If you've been looking for new ways to get scared stiff this season, not only do we have Nightmare Hollow and Wompus Woods for terrifying trails, haunted hayrides, and a whole night full of frights, but we've got our fair share of ghosts waiting for you all around town

Your 2019 Spartanburg To Do List

Happy New Year!  Are you brimming with excitement over all the adventure, changes, and accomplishments 2019 has in store for you?  We’ve all heard the cliche that a new year is like a blank book waiting to be filled, but trying to make the most of your year can be difficult—taking it day-by-day can lead to missed opportunities, but planning too far ahead and trying to pack in too much can get exhausting