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Eight Things We Love About You, Spartanburg

Eight Things We Love About You, Spartanburg

Eight Things We Love About You, Spartanburg

Can you feel it? That’s love in the air.

We love the idea of big romantic gestures. But we’re not good at writing poems or strumming guitar or building romantic fires.

Instead, in honor of Valentine’s Day, we thought we’d create a list for all the world to see. A list of why we feel the way we do about our love. So here we go: Things We Love About You, Spartanburg.

Your history: Every time we visit one of your communities, we find ourselves slowing down to check out the textile mill, the old post office or train depot, or the historic downtown. You have poured out yourself for millions of people over the centuries. We have taken and taken and taken, but you keep giving.

Your beauty: Whether the cool of winter or the heat of summer, your true loveliness always shines through. We can visit Landrum and enjoy the scenic Blue Ridge Mountains. We can watch the sunset while fishing on Lake Bowen. Whether we’re in the city or out in the country, on foot or road or horseback, you always find a way to surprise us.

Your road trips: Our Sunday drives with you along Highway 11, from Chesnee to Campobello, are the highlights of our week. And we feel the same way about our trips along Highway 9, from Boiling Springs out to Pacolet.

Your imagination: Just when we think we GET you, you surprise us. Our newest hotel, the AC Hotel, could double as an arts gallery. Walking through downtown is like visiting Epcot’s World Showcase, taking us from Delaney’s Irish Pub to Pokenori to The Lemongrass Kitchen to the Crepe Factory to Mezcal and to Miyako Sushi Group? And even more are on the way.

Your trails: You provide endless opportunities for recreation and time with friends and loved ones. Whether it’s the Cottonwood Trail, Croft State Park, the Hub City Connector or dozens of other walkabouts, you help us return to nature and promote health by getting us out and about together.

Your local favorites: While change is all around us, you constantly remind us of who we are. We love new shops and new restaurants, but we will always have our favorites: The Beacon Drive-In, Sugar & Spice, Wade’s, Bantam Chef and the Peach Blossom Diner. Just because we like trying the new places around the county, you know we will always return to you.

Your culture: The arts you share with us through the Spartanburg Downtown Cultural District inspire us again and again. The music from the Spartanburg Philharmonic Orchestra. The talent at the Spartanburg Youth Theatre. The exhibits at the Spartanburg Art Museum and West Main Artists Co-op. And ArtWalk every month. There is so much artistic ability in your community and its members.

Your people: Of course, none of these things would be possible without your people. The business owners who have created jobs. The entrepreneurs who have started new businesses. The investors who imagine beautiful buildings on vacant plots of land. And the men and women who cook the food, clean the dishes, work the cash registers, wave from their cars, say ‘hi’ on the streets. This is what we really love.

Happy Valentine’s Day, Spartanburg. Our lives wouldn’t be the same without you.



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